
16 iulie, 2024


Hourly labour cost increased by 15.6% in the second quarter of 2018 compared to the same period of 2017 (+ 9.36%, compared to Q1 2018), according to data announced by INS. It is a higher and increasing pace...
9 septembrie, 2018
The hourly labour cost increased in the first quarter of 2018 by 12.72% compared to the same period in 2017, according to the data announced by INS. It is a decreasing pace from a level of 14.29% recorded...
11 iunie, 2018
Romania has one of the highest percentages of young unemployed people who would not leave their hometown to find a job (either in the country or abroad), according to a Eurostat survey on the mobility of this social...
2 aprilie, 2018
2017 was the first year when the share of foreign (third states) workers initially established – instead of 3,000 permanent workers, as estimated initially based on the employers’ demand, there have been 3,211 people employed. It was a...
21 ianuarie, 2018
BNR made a thorough analysis of Romania’s status in terms of real convergence with Western economies. A precondition for adopting the euro, in line with the treaty signed at the moment of the EU accession. Here are the...
4 decembrie, 2017
Macroeconomic balances suffer a significant deterioration because of the government pro-cyclical policy to stimulate consumption. The pro-cyclical policy led to an increase in the trade and current account deficits and amplified the depreciation pressures of the local currency,...
12 noiembrie, 2017
Hourly labour cost has already increased this year by 18.20%, in gross terms, in the first quarter of 2017, compared to the same period of 2016, according to the data announced by INS. The increase is 16.25% if...
18 iunie, 2017
Romania is the European country where the largest number of jobs will be lost following the automation – about 61.93% of the current jobs, draws the attention the National Bank of Romania, in the first Financial Stability Report...
4 iunie, 2017
Romania marks one more indicator where it ranks the last in the European Union, namely the share of workers with a temporary employment relationship. The level of 1.4% announced by Eurostat for 2016 is ten times lower than...
6 mai, 2017
At the end of 2016, there were 4,763 million employees in Romania with permanent, full-time contracts, according to the data from the Ministry of Labour. If the expanding employment pace maintains, in 2017 we will reach the record...
1 mai, 2017
Sacrificing investment in the budget execution of the first two months of the year brings the analysis of the „2017 Country Report – Romania”, issued by the European Commission (EC), back to the forefront. Thus, Romanians’ welfare must...
9 aprilie, 2017
With the 51 (plus the one that is now preparing, 52) strategies for Romania’s development prepared in the last decade – all made in detail – one thing is clear: we have no „luck” in strategies! In the...
16 noiembrie, 2016
Romania ranks the last among the EU member states in terms of share of state employees in total workforce, according to data published by Eurostat in 2015. This situation exists even though we are the state that registered...
31 octombrie, 2016


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