
18 iulie, 2024


The Pro Infrastructura Association asks the Transportation Minister to dismiss the CNAIR management. In support of the request, the association published a review of the 2017 achievements of this company in charge of developing the Romanian infrastructure, which...
18 decembrie, 2017
In the first three quarters of 2017, net investment in the national economy amounted to about RON 50 billion, up by 3.6%, compared to the same period in 2016, the National Institute of Statistics announced. This is the...
18 decembrie, 2017
The law package on the judiciary will be assessed by the Council of Europe, the institution announced on Monday. The reason, explained by the Council itself – is the concern that „the changes could affect the fight against...
18 decembrie, 2017
The Government has established the new regulations on the public-private partnership (PPP) by an emergency ordinance issued Thursday and introduced the Value for Money concept, the implementation of which should optimize the contribution and costs of the contracting...
18 decembrie, 2017
MEP Catalin Ivan stated on Friday in Iasi that there are 384 companies with bearer shares in Romania, which gives the owners the comfort of anonymity and the possibility to sign contracts with the state. „There are 384...
18 decembrie, 2017
România a întreprins în perioada 2006 – 2016 cea mai bizară politică a fondurilor publice dintre toate statele europene, potrivit unei analize date publicităţii de Eurostat. Pornită de pe ultimul loc în ceea ce priveşte ponderea veniturilor bugetare...
13 decembrie, 2017
The first time it happens, the second time it can be a coincidence but for the third time it is already confirmed the establishment of a strategy that can only lead to draining the public finances and exposing...
11 decembrie, 2017
The nine ambassadors who met on Wednesday with Minister Tudorel Toader shared their „concern over the draft laws on the reform of the judiciary discussed in the Parliament” and the importance of requesting „the Venice Commission’s opinion on...
11 decembrie, 2017
In Romania, the ratio between the revenues that must be collected from taxes (including social contributions – tax/GDP ratio) and GDP was 26% in 2016, higher only than the level in Ireland and below the collection level in...
11 decembrie, 2017
The intentional non-payment of taxes and contributions due to the budget, subject to the withholding regime, will be considered a tax evasion, according to a draft emergency ordinance that is under the public debate on the website of...
11 decembrie, 2017
Plenul Parlamentului European a adoptat săptămâna trecută Bugetul Uniunii Europene (UE) pentru anul 2018 în valoare totală de 160,1 miliarde de euro. În calitate de negociator-șef al Parlamentului pentru acest buget, am reușit, după mai bine de 9...
4 decembrie, 2017
Prima data se întâmplă, a doua oară poate fi o coincidenţă dar a treia oară deja se confirmă stabilizarea unei strategii care nu poate duce decât la secătuirea finanţelor publice şi ne expune unor riscuri externe care se...
4 decembrie, 2017
BNR made a thorough analysis of Romania’s status in terms of real convergence with Western economies. A precondition for adopting the euro, in line with the treaty signed at the moment of the EU accession. Here are the...
4 decembrie, 2017
Keeping the national currency under a controlled float exchange is a way to optimize the sustainable economic growth towards getting closer to the West but not a guarantee in that regard. Potential benefits in terms of mitigating economic...
4 decembrie, 2017
The largest share of taxes in the natural gas price structure for households has been recorded in Denmark (55% of the price), the Netherlands (53%), Romania (47%) and Sweden (44%) in the first half of this year, according...
4 decembrie, 2017
The state budget for 2018 drafted by the Ministry of Public Finance (MPF) counts on a decline in the economic growth only to 5.5% in 2018, compared to the level put forward by the National Commission for Prognosis...
4 decembrie, 2017
The Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies has increased ten times the threshold of the outstanding VAT obligations from which companies will automatically be added to the split payment system after the opposition has argued against the...
4 decembrie, 2017
Vitruvian Partners investment fund acquired about 30% of Bitdefender from Axxess Capital and becomes the second largest shareholder in the company, valued at over USD 600 million, according to Agerpres. Bitdefender co-founders, Mariuca and Florin Talpes will continue...
4 decembrie, 2017
Rata anuală a inflaţiei în Zona Euro ar putea crește până la 1,5% în noiembrie, de la 1,4% luna precedentă, și de la 0,6% în noiembrie 2016, spune o estimare preliminară publicată joi de Oficiul european de Statistică...
1 decembrie, 2017
Păstrarea monedei naţionale în regim de curs cu flotare controlată constituie o posibilitate de optimizare a creşterii economice durabile spre apropierea de Occident dar nu şi o garanţie în această privinţă. Beneficiile potenţiale din prisma atenuării şocurilor economice...
29 noiembrie, 2017


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