
16 iulie, 2024


According to OECD data, net pension wealth in Romania (calculated for 2016) was 8.3, a value significantly below the average of 12.3 recorded at the EU level but on a par with Ireland (with which we also share...
5 noiembrie, 2018
The official data available since 2010 show an unbalancing in public finance that began in 2016 and reached a worrying level in 2018. Unfortunately, at the current level of taxation and collection capability, Romania has shown quite clearly...
22 octombrie, 2018
The application of pension change in the mid-year, by nine percentage points last year (when the pension point was arbitrarily rounded from 917.50 lei to 1,000 lei) and ten percentage points this year, has the effect of increasing,...
1 octombrie, 2018
The discussion on transferring wage contributions, which under the current system are partly paid by the employee and partly by the employer, fully to the employee’s responsibility has much wider connotations and little publicly discussed. Let’s just give...
25 septembrie, 2017
* Budget deficit, cash    Budget deficit, ESA    Structural deficit * We made a memory effort and sought to see the budget commitments for the current year. Taken directly from the source, they look like in the table below,...
18 iunie, 2017
The Minister of Labour Lia Olguta Vasilescu confirmed last week in a TV show that the pension and salary increases will apply in the next four years exactly as they are written in the electoral leaflet of the...
22 februarie, 2017
  The expenditure from the 2017 state budget has been planned with an increase almost three times higher than the economic growth foreseen in the draft budget (certain 14.9% by law, against an economic growth forecast, debatable, of...
13 februarie, 2017
Between the deductions of tax on pension, criminalizing the abuse of office and partial application of democracy there is a material connection, as concrete as possible. And especially financially measurable. Based on the de facto connivance of two...
9 februarie, 2017
The emergency ordinance by which Grindeanu government will increase some wages of the employees from the public service (salaries in administration, culture) will have a budget impact of – 5.13 billion lei in 2017, according to the draft...
8 ianuarie, 2017
Many of the economic promises from the government program that PSD launched during the election campaign repeat older themes from the collection of economic policies of the party that won the 2016 parliamentary elections. Given that most of...
14 decembrie, 2016
The average net salary announced by the National Institute of Statistics on Monday, for September 2016, was 2,094 lei, 18 lei or almost one percent higher than in the previous month. Expressed in the European single currency, the...
9 noiembrie, 2016


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