
16 iulie, 2024


Eurostat records list Romania as the country with the lowest public revenue among the EU member states, except for the strictly circumstantial case of Ireland. With only 28% of GDP representing clear revenues from taxes, available for subsequent...
9 noiembrie, 2016
The average net salary announced by the National Institute of Statistics on Monday, for September 2016, was 2,094 lei, 18 lei or almost one percent higher than in the previous month. Expressed in the European single currency, the...
9 noiembrie, 2016
We start from the certainties in 2016 – when Romania will most likely have the highest economic growth among the EU states: INS announced an economic growth of 5% for the first half of the year. In absolute...
7 noiembrie, 2016
Official statistics show that in 2008, when „the economy was roaring” more powerfully than now and there were plenty of foreign investments coming, the populist enthusiasm of the electoral campaign led to massive increases of pensions and salaries....
4 noiembrie, 2016
Romania became the tenth EU economy by purchasing power parity adjusted GDP, according to data published by Eurostat. Over the past decade, our country surpassed, based on this indicator, countries like Greece (passing through a deep public debt...
17 octombrie, 2016
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that Romania’s economy will grow by 5% this year, more than the previously expected advance of 4.2%. In 2017, economic growth would slow down to 3.8% according to the IMF’s forecast contained...
5 octombrie, 2016
After analysing the signal data, the National Statistics Institute confirmed on Tuesday the economic growth of 5% in the first half of this year, as compared to the same period of the previous year (seasonally adjusted value for...
23 septembrie, 2016
An analysis made by Eurostat based on the final GDP values for the recent years provides a big surprise for us. Romania is ranked in the first half of the list containing 25 countries for which data were...
23 septembrie, 2016


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