
27 iulie, 2024

foreign trade

Over the last years, the United Kingdom has been Romania’s most important foreign trade partner, with which we have managed to record a significant trade surplus. Island economy’s exit from the community bloc and the establishment of barriers...
10 ianuarie, 2021
The trade deficit in July 2019 rose sharply to the historical record of EUR 1,755.5 million, by 38% more than in the same month of last year and 55% above the level of the previous month, according to...
16 septembrie, 2019
Romania is the only country in the region where results in the first half of this year in foreign trade worsened, according to data published by Eurostat. With the lowest increase in exports and largest advance in imports,...
26 august, 2019
According to data released by Eurostat, half of the EU member countries concentrate 70% of Romania’s deficit in foreign exchanges registered in 2018, which reflects a major competitiveness deficit. Somehow surprisingly, the top two positions in the ranking...
31 martie, 2019
Final energy consumption of Romanian industry declined by about 75% between 1990 and 2016, compared to only 25% at the EU level, according to data released by Eurostat. From 25.3 Mtoe right after the regime change in 1989,...
14 ianuarie, 2019
The trade deficit on November 2018 was EUR 1.567 billion, the second worst monthly performance registered last year. Worryingly, the growth rate of exports compared to the same month of 2017 fell to only 2.7%, the lowest value...
14 ianuarie, 2019
According to data published by the National Institute of Statistics, Romania’s trade exchanges with Hungary, Poland and Slovakia caused almost 43% of the deficit registered by our country in the foreign trade last year. For comparison, we should...
23 mai, 2018
The trade deficit was EUR 12,955.7 million in 2017, 30% higher than in the previous year. Despite a more robust economic growth, the import coverage ratio by exports dropped to just 86.4%, almost at the level of the...
26 februarie, 2018
The trade deficit in the second quarter of 2017 was EUR 3,520.7 million, according to the data provided by the INS, which shows a spectacular increase by about 52% compared to the first quarter of the current year....
28 august, 2017
The share of direct investment (FDI) made by French companies in the Romanian industry fell from 56% of total French FDI in 2007 to 46% in 2014 and stabilized compared to the year of the global financial crisis,...
28 august, 2017
The transatlantic tour de force of Romanian diplomacy has been marked first by the political references, but Romania’s economic partnership with France and Germany gets new meanings, in view of the fact that the EU’s biggest powers except...
25 iunie, 2017
The trade deficit for the first quarter of 2017 was EUR 2.32 billion, 18% higher than in the same period of the previous year, according to the INS data. Exports grew at a very good pace (+ 11.5%...
15 mai, 2017
  The trade deficit in the first two months of 2017 was EUR 1.259 million, 27% higher than the same period of the previous year, according to the INS data. The exports increased at a good pace (+...
15 aprilie, 2017
Romania is increasingly specializing in the extremes of the demand range. High-quality products for the foreign markets or parts incorporated at low prices in quality products marketed as final products in other countries. Along with products at a modest...
20 martie, 2017
Romania ranks 15th among the trade partners of the Eurozone, far behind other countries that were part of the Eastern bloc, such as Poland (4th), the Czech Republic (6th) and Hungary (10th). The degree of integration into the...
27 noiembrie, 2016
Romania’s chronic trade deficit reached in 2015 about EUR 8.4 billion or 5.2% of the GDP recorded in the official statistics. This year it is heading to 6% of the GDP, which asks for an analysis of the...
24 octombrie, 2016

Brexit effect on Romanian foreign trade

Over the last years, the United Kingdom has been Romania’s most important foreign trade partner, with which we have managed to record a significant trade

Brexit effect on Romanian foreign trade

Over the last years, the United Kingdom has been Romania’s most important foreign trade partner, with which we have managed to record a significant trade


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