
16 iulie, 2024


Salaries in domestic companies continue to grow as staff shortage widens, but remain half the level registered in foreign firms, according to an analysis by Syndex Romania. Below is a comparative table for the two types of capital,...
15 iulie, 2019
Wage increases should be based solely on productivity growth and be made „by market force”, not by politicians, the Governor of the National Bank of Romania (BNR) Mugur Isarescu (photo) said on Thursday in the opening of The...
29 octombrie, 2018
The average gross wage announced by the INS for May 2018 was 4,512 lei, 0.4% lower than in the previous month. Net nominal average wage decreased by 0.3% and reached 2,704 lei, exactly the same as in March....
21 iulie, 2018
The data published by the INS for the third quarter of 2017 show that the total average income of a household reached 3,426 lei per family and 1,308 lei per family member. Noteworthy, a significant contribution to this...
12 februarie, 2018
The Government approved on Thursday the OUG comprising the measures needed to preserve net wages that professional groups exempted from income tax and part-time employees received in December 2017. For the tax-exempt categories, employers will not make an...
12 februarie, 2018
The gross average national wage announced by the National Institute of Statistics for October 2017 was 3,327 lei, 0.7% higher than the previous month and the corresponding net amount went up to 2,392 lei, with extra 16 lei....
18 decembrie, 2017
The net national average income for 2016 was 2,046 lei (equivalent to 456 euros) per month, according to the data processed by INS. This key indicator for the economy grew by 10.1% compared to the previous year, the...
2 octombrie, 2017
The plan of the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP) to impose „a certain level of the gross salary” on private companies is a questionable intrusion into the private environment, according to the tax experts consulted by Also,...
25 septembrie, 2017
The consolidated general budget recorded a deficit of ROL 5.14 billion at the end of the first seven months of 2017, equivalent to 0.63% of the GDP estimated for the current year. The result is well below the...
11 septembrie, 2017
The Minister of Labour Lia Olguta Vasilescu confirmed last week in a TV show that the pension and salary increases will apply in the next four years exactly as they are written in the electoral leaflet of the...
22 februarie, 2017
Many of the economic promises from the government program that PSD launched during the election campaign repeat older themes from the collection of economic policies of the party that won the 2016 parliamentary elections. Given that most of...
14 decembrie, 2016
The average net salary announced by the National Institute of Statistics on Monday, for September 2016, was 2,094 lei, 18 lei or almost one percent higher than in the previous month. Expressed in the European single currency, the...
9 noiembrie, 2016
We start from the certainties in 2016 – when Romania will most likely have the highest economic growth among the EU states: INS announced an economic growth of 5% for the first half of the year. In absolute...
7 noiembrie, 2016


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