
16 iulie, 2024


The strong industrial production increase of 3.9% (month/month) and 2.8% (year/year) recorded in March took economic analysts by surprise. BCR had forecast a drop of -0.7% against the same month in 2023. Confidence indicators have improved recently, Eurozone...
21 mai, 2024
The economic situation survey made by the National Commission for Prognosis estimates a 5.1% drop of industrial production in the first quarter of 2024, compared with the same period of last year, due to problems in supply chains...
23 aprilie, 2024
According to data from the National Institute of Statistics from the Structural Survey on enterprises active in industry construction, trade and market services, trade activities remain the most profitable in terms of productivity measured as Gross Value Added...
12 februarie, 2024
Final energy consumption of Romanian industry declined by about 75% between 1990 and 2016, compared to only 25% at the EU level, according to data released by Eurostat. From 25.3 Mtoe right after the regime change in 1989,...
14 ianuarie, 2019
Total turnover in the IT sector increased by 11 percentage points in 2017 compared to 2016 and exceeded the four billion euro threshold forecasted, according to Annual Report of the Employers’ Association of the Software and Services Industry...
15 octombrie, 2018
Industrial Production Price Index (IPPI) slightly declined to 5.86% in August 2018, but remained significantly above consumer price inflation as measured by CPI (5.06%). The manufacturing industry sets the tone across the economy (although it contributed only 23.6%...
8 octombrie, 2018
According to the data published by Eurostat, Romania recorded the biggest decline in the gross energy consumption between 1996 and 2016 and the cumulated value over the two decades is -32.4%. The negative rhythm was against the general...
12 februarie, 2018
Romania ranks last among the EU member states by the share of public sector employees in the total workforce, according to data published by Eurostat for 2016. That, although we registered the highest increase in the percentage of...
6 noiembrie, 2017
Hourly labour cost has already increased this year by 18.20%, in gross terms, in the first quarter of 2017, compared to the same period of 2016, according to the data announced by INS. The increase is 16.25% if...
18 iunie, 2017
The National Institute of Statistics (INS) confirmed the last year’s economic growth at 4.8%, the first preliminary version published after the initial forecast announced as a signal. (We remind that the second preliminary version is to be announced...
8 martie, 2017
In a time when all public attention has been focused on redistributing the benefits of a robust economic growth, presumed to happen by itself, almost nobody is looking at the sector of activity which sets, in fact, the...
15 ianuarie, 2017
In the context of the significant drop in energy prices, our decision makers have been hesitant to act on that and from the position where we had by far the lowest price of natural gas for industry of...
24 noiembrie, 2016


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