The Government approved on Wednesday the general strategy of decentralization, comprising the responsibilities that could be transferred to the local authorities and describing the way that the transfer will take place.
- Over the next three months, the impact of the transfer of competencies will be analysed, both in terms of human and financial resources.
- No later than seven months afterwards, based on the impact and opportunity assessment that each ministry will make, the sector laws will be adopted for each area of decentralization.
Responsibilities to be decentralized and sectors:
- Implementation of policies on the organization and sustainable development of rural areas
- permits and authorizations for agricultural activities
- approvals for concessions
- putting into use or approving the modification of Class B historical monuments
- tourism patent issuance
- guides testing
- classification of tourist accommodation units
- authorization of tourist beaches
- approving technical documentation for construction in the field of tourism
Environmental protection
- preparing the county strategies for development in the field of environmental protection
- completing the procedures for updating, revising the environmental consents, agreements, permits
- implementation of maintenance and cleaning works on tourist beaches
- decentralization of activities of local public health departments, concluding contracts with general practitioners, coordination of the healthcare units from the local authorities’ network
- decentralization of extracurricular activities from the Children Palaces or Children Clubs
Youth and Sport
- the activities organized in the sport and youth fields, in school camps, school clubs or sports clubs.
Local authorities will be given exclusive implementation responsibilities, while the part concerning the national legislation, control, inspection remains the exclusive prerogative of central authorities.