
16 iulie, 2024

15 aprilie, 2019

Aegis Ashore anti-missile system installed at Deveselu 99 Military Base will go in the next period through a previously planned upgrade process, the MApN announced on Thursday.

During this period, which will take several weeks, NATO will provide an alternative ballistic missile defence capability by deploying in our country a US owned THAAD anti-missile system.

According to MApN:

In accordance with the decisions adopted at NATO level and the bilateral agreement between Romania and the United States of America, the Aegis Ashore anti-missile system installed at Deveselu 99 Military Base will undergo, in the next period, a previously planned upgrade process.

Works to be carried out on Aegis Ashore elements located at Deveselu are part of the planned upgrade of the US Aegis systems. This process will in no way introduce elements of an offensive nature to the system and will not change its strictly defensive nature.

Upgrade works have been planned since September 2009, when the implementation timetable of the US anti-missile defence system in Europe has been announced in a new, adaptive, step-by-step approach (EPAA / European Phased, Adaptive Approach to Ballistic Missile Defense).

In the period planned for the execution of works at Deveselu, which will take several weeks, NATO will provide an alternative defence capacity against ballistic missiles by deploying a Terminal High Altitude Air Defense (THAAD) anti-missile defence system in our country, belonging to the United States of America.

The deployment of THAAD defensive system in Romania will be temporary, and it is planned to remain operational only until the completion of the upgrade process at Aegis Ashore anti-missile system.

The system will be embedded in the architecture of the Alliance’s capability of defence against ballistic missile and will be, the same as Aegis Ashore system, under NATO operational control and full political control of the North Atlantic Council.

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