
16 iulie, 2024


The text below is a series of fragments from the interview that former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen gave to CRONICILE Curs de guvernare magazine – at a time when the North Atlantic Alliance is facing serious...
3 iunie, 2019
Aegis Ashore anti-missile system installed at Deveselu 99 Military Base will go in the next period through a previously planned upgrade process, the MApN announced on Thursday. During this period, which will take several weeks, NATO will provide...
15 aprilie, 2019
Romanian Government approved Thursday two decisions on the national endowment programs – „Multifunctional corvette” program and „Multiple long-range ballistic missile launcher system” – HIMARS. According to the Defence Ministry, the Government has approved the conditions and procedures for awarding...
18 februarie, 2018
Key points: The question is not whether Romania’s ambiguous foreign policy, pro-American and pro-European, is correct and should be continued, for any lucid and minimally prepared mind can confirm this, but whether in the long run there might...
15 iunie, 2017
An area that does not feels – thank God – the electoral politics. In an interview for, Defense Minister Mihnea Motoc speaks about the implementation against the clock of the decisions taken by NATO at the summit...
4 octombrie, 2016
Within a Europe where the EU members seem to line-up based on their national interests, despite the calls for cohesion launched by Jean Claude Junker, the President of the European Commission, Romania seeks the proximity to the ‘core’...
26 septembrie, 2016
Premierul Mihai-Răzvan Ungureanu a întrerupt brusc dialogul cu liderii coaliţiei, în şedinţa de luni a acestui for, prim-ministrul acuzând presiuni politice pentru ca Guvernul să aloce bani pentru colegiile electorale ale formaţiunilor de la guvernare, susţine agenţia Mediafax,...
26 martie, 2012


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