
16 iulie, 2024

stock exchange

The administrative capping of energy prices through OUG 114/2018 contributed to a decrease of approximately 24% of the cumulative net profit of the largest electricity and natural gas producers, in 2019 compared to 2018, up to RON 3.7...
2 martie, 2020
  The number of active accounts at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BSE) fell by more than 27% from the fall of 2016 until June 30, 2018, according to the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) reports. Latest ASF data show...
24 martie, 2019
OMV Petrom (SNP) will sell another 50-60 perimeters from its portfolio of about 200, as most of the company’s investments focus on operating the Black Sea Neptune Deep perimeter, in partnership with American ExxonMobil. The company will „focus...
3 septembrie, 2018
The London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), the operator of London Stock Exchange, announced that it will open a business services centre in Bucharest through the Group’s specialized company, Business Services Ltd (BSL). BSL provides services in technology, database,...
7 mai, 2018
From the growth in profits of energy companies and banks to decreases in other industries, companies’ preliminary financial results in 2017 express the contradictory developments in the economy, according to the reports that companies submitted to the Bucharest...
26 februarie, 2018
Between Romanians’ savings and the increase in the force of the domestic capital investment another significant fracture, deepened by the public policies, intervenes. As far as they exist, public policies on personal investment have not stimulated population’s appetite...
2 octombrie, 2017
Profit or Loss Keys Showing Returns for Internet Businesses Banks in Romania achieved net profits of about ROL 2.7 billion lei in the first half of 2017, according to the companies’ tax statements and reports of the National...
4 septembrie, 2017
The draft law on the establishment of the Sovereign Development and Investment Fund (FSDI) provides for its exemption from the application of the laws on accelerating privatization, which also included the method of listing on the Bucharest Stock...
14 august, 2017
Evolution of BET-TR since the beginning of the year The Romanian capital market had the highest growth among all 23 countries in the portfolio of the MSCI Frontier Markets global index, according to an analysis by the Berenberg...
31 iulie, 2017


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