
16 iulie, 2024


Romania remains the weakest innovator in the EU, with a score in last year’s indicator ranking at only 31.6% of the EU’s average performance, according to 2020 Innovation Scoreboard. Our country is the only Member State with a...
28 iunie, 2020
In a full economic advance, governments in power in the last years have chosen to redirect the money for investments towards measures of increasing wages in the public sector and pensions, with an impact on Romania’s economic growth...
22 aprilie, 2019
Although at first glance it is difficult to draft them, Romania’s public budgets are, in fact, a series of indicators and lists of revenues and expenditures that are not going to have anything to do with the reality....
11 februarie, 2019
Romania insists on staying on the penultimate position among the European Union member states in terms of R & D expenditure in 2017, according to data published by Eurostat. With just 0.5% of GDP, slightly higher than in...
27 noiembrie, 2018
Romania ranked last year second to last among the EU member states in terms of R&D expenditure as a share of GDP. With only 0.48%, our country recorded in terms of allocations to this field less than a...
18 februarie, 2018
  The Minister of Research prepares the „reorganization of the advisory bodies” under the authority of the ministry, which risks to undo „any effort made last year towards rebuilding trust and strengthening the Romanian scientific community,” warn the...
11 februarie, 2017
The impact of the national minimum salary on the work productivity is negative – an increase of the minimum salary by 10% would have as result a decrease of the work productivity by 2.3%, according to a study...
8 decembrie, 2016
Photo caption: ELI-NP (image from the project) Magurele, a small town in the immediate vicinity of Bucharest, will soon house the largest laser in the world. Government and people hope that the town having about 10,000 inhabitants and...
13 noiembrie, 2016
Romanian universities (and the Academy) produced about 67,000 Ph.D.s in science disciplines from 1990 until now. The number itself is not large – we have 3.34 holders of such titles per 1,000 inhabitants, which places us below the...
18 octombrie, 2016


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