
16 iulie, 2024


Romania announced its intention to join the Eurozone in 2024. Adoption of the single European currency is not optional but included in the Treaty of accession to the EU, and we are now in a derogation period until...
5 august, 2019
According to Eurostat, Romania observed 13 of the 14 indicators set for the scoreboard of the macroeconomic situation in the EU member states last year. The other countries that have reached this level of compliance were Poland, Sweden,...
27 noiembrie, 2018
Eurostatistics is a synthesis based on a set of standardized and harmonized benchmarks for the comparability between countries at the European level (Principal European Economic Indicators – PEEIs in English). These indicators are published and reviewed monthly, in...
17 septembrie, 2018
„The report concluded that Romania currently meets one of the four economic criteria necessary for adopting the euro, namely the criterion related to public finances. Romania does not meet the criteria on price stability, exchange rate and long-term...
29 mai, 2018
After it reached, two years ago, among top states that met most economic stability criteria imposed by the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure Scoreboard (MIPS), with 13 criteria reached, out of 14 (the net investment position could not be but...
26 martie, 2018
Romania is starting to show more and more warning signals for the short-term economic analysis based on Eurostat, with values that are significantly out of a balanced evolution. Latest data is not likely to calm down potential investors...
22 octombrie, 2017


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