
16 iulie, 2024


Romania is currently at its all-time peak of wellbeing, with the highest GDP/capita compared to the European average and with an actual individual consumption exceeding that of Spain. The results are plainly visible – while statistics show that,...
8 iulie, 2024
Economic activities tend to pick up in the Eurozone and in the European Union after weak results registered at the end of 2023, with Romania recording in the first quarter of 2024 a 0.5% increase against Q4 of...
21 mai, 2024
Romania’s exports amounted to EUR 23 billion in the first three months of the year, 3.7% less than in Q1/2023, while imports fell by 2.3%, to EUR 29.65 billion. However, the general trade balance deficit decreased by 1.5%...
14 mai, 2024
In March retail sales (adjusted series) went up 0.7% against February and 4.3% year-on-year. In the first quarter of 2024, sales rose 5% compared with the previous quarter and 5.5% compared with the same quarter of 2023, meaning...
9 mai, 2024
The pandemic has significantly changed the consumption habits but also the saving habits of Romanians, according to the INS data analysed by The saving rate registered a record increase in 2020 and the average of the first...
17 ianuarie, 2021
Romania imported 38% more electricity in the first five months of this year, compared to the same period of 2018, according to the most recent monitoring report published by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). The phenomenon also...
19 august, 2019
The general consolidated budget ended the first five months of 2018 with a deficit of -0.88% of GDP estimated for the current year, more than three times higher compared to the same period of the previous year (-0.27%...
2 iulie, 2018
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) revised the annual inflation rate (CPI) forecast at the end of 2018, from 3.2% to 3.5%, and projected a level of 3.1% for December 2019. And the estimates for the first two...
12 februarie, 2018
Romania needs to adopt a different economic model if it wants to avoid a crisis caused by the current consumption boom, according to Matteo Patrone, regional director of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), quoted by...
5 februarie, 2018
Romania has reached 61% of the average living standard in the EU 28 in 2016, according to the actual individual consumption indicator (AIC), the latest data released by Eurostat shows. The gap between this indicator and GDP per...
27 decembrie, 2017
Romania has reached 63% of the EU 28 average living standard in 2016, according to the actual individual consumption indicator (AIC), according to the data released by Eurostat. By the more familiar way of measuring the living standards,...
25 iunie, 2017
The Governor of the National Bank of Romania, Mugur Isarescu (foto), has launched harsh allegations against the policy of encouraging consumption, which has unbalanced the economy and leads to financing jobs abroad, as imports increased faster than exports...
25 iunie, 2017
  * Romania’s quarterly gross GDP between 2000-2017 (seasonally adjusted data) Source: INS * The unexpectedly high GDP growth in the first quarter, at 5.7% y-o-y, induces analysts’ worries about its unsustainability, which has already caused a deterioration...
21 mai, 2017
The National Institute of Statistics (INS) confirmed the last year’s economic growth at 4.8%, the first preliminary version published after the initial forecast announced as a signal. (We remind that the second preliminary version is to be announced...
8 martie, 2017
In a time when all public attention has been focused on redistributing the benefits of a robust economic growth, presumed to happen by itself, almost nobody is looking at the sector of activity which sets, in fact, the...
15 ianuarie, 2017
The general consolidated budget registered a deficit of 3.7 billion lei on the first nine months of 2016, equivalent to almost half a percent of the estimated GDP for this year. This result is almost ten billion lei...
28 octombrie, 2016
The National Institute of Statistics announced the final value of GDP for 2014 at 668,143.6 million lei, in current prices, representing a growth rate of 3.1% in real terms as compared to 2013. As compared to the semi-final...
13 octombrie, 2016


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