
14 iulie, 2024

27 martie, 2017

The Government approved on Wednesday a memorandum for Romania to apply for the relocation of the European Medicines Agency (EMA) to Bucharest, in the Brexit context.

At present, the Agency is based in London.

The European Medicines Agency (EMA) is the decentralized EU body which issues the European authorization for marketing the products, after the scientific evaluation of the applications, and monitors the safety of medicines.

The Agency concentrates the scientific resources of over 40 national competent authorities from 30 EU member states and SEE-AELS countries in a network of over 4,000 European experts.

„The relocation of EMA to Bucharest is an important opportunity that Romania could capitalize, as our country does not currently host the headquarters of any European agency. Attracting the headquarters of an EU agency would help increase Romania’s role and visibility as EU member state,” according to the Government.

Advantages emphasised by the Government:

  • Romania has a substantial expertise in the medical field, being positioned at the top in terms of the number of medical school graduates and, since 2007, 14,000 Romanians specialized in the medicine and pharmacy areas work in the EU countries.
  • Many similar institutions are located in Bucharest, including laboratories and pharmaceutical companies („Cantacuzino” National Research Institute, “Ana Aslan” National Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, “Victor Babes” Institute, “Prof. N. Paulescu” National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases) which are in charge of managing the effects of major crisis situations that might affect the national healthcare system.

To prepare the application, the Government established an inter-institutional working group which will comprise the Minister-Delegate for European Affairs, the General Secretariat of the Government, the Ministry of Health, the National Agency for Medicines and Medical Devices, the Ministry of Public Finance and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

According to the Minister-Delegate for European Affairs, Ana Birchall, competition is „fierce” for hosting the EMA and the decision will be taken in Brussels.

Asked what the Romania’s competitors are, Birchall said: „There are very many other EU countries. (…) over 20 at the moment. (…). Each state has its own chance. (…) Romania has a very good pharmaceutical industry. (…) There are a principle and a rule at the EU level, for (…) each member state to have at least one European agency. (…) We shall try to make the necessary alliances so that we can also have success,” said Ana Birchall.

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