
16 iulie, 2024

23 aprilie, 2018

Herman Berkovits received in May 2014 the Key to the City from Mayor Sorin Oprescu

Herman Berkovits, the personal doctor of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was appointed as honorary adviser to Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, according to a decision published on Friday evening in the Official Gazette.

„Mr Herman Berkovits’ activity is unpaid,” the decision states.

We remind that Liviu Dragnea, Gabriela Firea and PSD used the advice of some Israeli specialists during the electoral campaign in 2016, and the Social Democrat leader made several visits to this country.

The physician Herman Berkovits received in 2017, at Gabriela Firea’s initiative, the title of honorary citizen of Bucharest.

„The intense activity of Herman Berkovits, a paediatrician specialist, in supporting projects for providing information, assistance and support to patients, his commitment and devotion to the profession he chose to serve – recommend him for this award. The international recognition is the fact that he officially holds the position of personal doctor of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,” said Gabriela Firea.

He also received the Key to the capital City in 2014, when Sorin Oprescu was general mayor.

Herman Berkovits was born in Targu Lapus, in Maramures County, in 1947, and attended the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Cluj-Napoca. He is a paediatrician specialist and runs his own paediatric and general medicine clinic in Jerusalem.

He was over time an intermediary of some meetings between Romanian political figures and Benjamin Netanyahu: Adrian Nastase, Mircea Geoana, Adriean Videanu, Teodor Baconschi, Sorin Oprescu, Bucharest Mayor, etc.

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