
16 iulie, 2024

Prime Minister

On Wednesday, Bucharest hosted the forum “Moldova – Romania: capital Bridges”, attended by the prime ministers of the two countries, the governor of the National Bank of Moldova, Anca Dragu, other high-ranking officials, heads of capital and financial markets regulation...
28 martie, 2024
Leaders of the political groups in the European Parliament have decided to adopt in October a resolution on the rule of law in Romania. The announcement was made on Thursday by MEP Siegfried Muresan on Facebook: “We have...
17 septembrie, 2018
Herman Berkovits received in May 2014 the Key to the City from Mayor Sorin Oprescu Herman Berkovits, the personal doctor of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was appointed as honorary adviser to Prime Minister Viorica Dancila, according to...
23 aprilie, 2018
The press conference organized on Thursday by Liviu Dragnea and Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu provided, besides the explanations that the two officials offered about the crisis, the clear picture of how the power is exercised over both the...
3 februarie, 2017
Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu said on Sunday evening on Romania TV that the budget deficit in 2017 will fall within the set target of 3%, the economic growth will exceed 5%, GDP will exceed 800 billion lei and...
20 ianuarie, 2017
So it begins / Ombudsman challenges in the CCR law banning offenders to lead Romania. „Indignation” for the Presidency: it opens the door for convicts to take decisions The Ombudsman filed a notice to the CCR, Thursday, on...
8 ianuarie, 2017
Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos released on Monday evening the project – as set of principles and general measures – which he promised last week. The Prime Minister insists, in launching the project, on the fact that he will...
18 octombrie, 2016

Power, in an image: Mr Liviu Dragnea & Sorin

The press conference organized on Thursday by Liviu Dragnea and Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu provided, besides the explanations that the two officials offered about the

Power, in an image: Mr Liviu Dragnea & Sorin

The press conference organized on Thursday by Liviu Dragnea and Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu provided, besides the explanations that the two officials offered about the


Lucrăm momentan la conferința viitoare.

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