
16 iulie, 2024

14 octombrie, 2016

dacian_ciolos-204x300Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos reiterated on Thursday evening at Digi 24 that he will not run in the parliamentary elections in December.

He will not exclude a continuation of his government career after December 2016 if the parties that could form the parliamentary majority are willing to support „the platform of principles, values and projects” that Dacian Ciolos promised to present publicly soon.

I have not discussed this (with the parties -editor’s note) and it does not so interest me if I will be Prime Minister or not, but I am interested to see how good things we have done will be continued. If I could contribute to this, in one way or another, in one position or another, I do not say that I shall not do so, but that is not the important thing now (…); I want first to see the reactions on these principles and values which we shall present, „said Dacian Ciolos.

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos gave an interview to Digi24 on Thursday night and he answered questions on topics of actuality- from problems facing the health information system, to the collaboration with the parties or the continuation of governmental activity. Answers are presented below.

„I don’t run for Parliament, but that does not keep me from having opinions ”

Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos will present a set of principles, values and projects started during his government which he thinks they should be continued.

In his opinion, this set should be debated in the electoral campaign that follows and integrated into the government program of the parties that state that will support him for another term (PNL and USR), if they win these elections.

First they must participate in these elections. They have run with a program of government and win these elections.

From my point of view, beyond what PNL and USR state now, it is important to have a discussion on some principles, some values on some major topics on which I believe we should work in the future. Citizens must then be allowed to decide whether these values, these principles, these themes can form the draft for a government program.

I have said publicly: I shall not run. But that does not keep me from having opinions, points of view about how things should continue. And I plan that in the next period to come with these principles, these values, the projects that we have started and, from my point of view, could be continued.

To the extent that there will be an endorsement of these projects – not a government program, because a program is the prerogative of parties … If, in one way or another, I can contribute to this, in one position or another, I do not say that I shall not do so.

But that is not the important thing right now and, as I said, I want first to see the reactions on these principles and values which we shall present.” states Dacian Ciolos.

Prime Minister says he has not discussed yet his approach with the political parties.

Dacian Ciolos: „We could have discussions after I present this project. And not that I care whether I shall be Prime Minister or not, but I am interested to see how the good things that we have done can be continued.

And just because we started things that perhaps we have not expected or we have not thought at first we will have to work on: in health, for example, in education, infrastructure, in reducing the bureaucracy and increasing performance of the public administration, in the social policy versus jobs creation.

In all these areas there are things which we were somehow pushed from behind, by reality to start and which should be continued. I shall put them on paper along with collaborators and present them publicly, offering them as a work platform for the next period. ”

„Morality, honesty, integrity and professionalism are essential”

Dacian Ciolos believes that successful politics can be built only with honesty, morality and integrity.

Rather than leave in December, or when the mandate of this government ends, a report about what I did, I would rather do it now, before the electoral campaign. We can tell those who participate in the electoral debate and the citizens: because we have repeatedly been requested and asked if we participate in elections or not, look …

Probably there will be ministers who will participate in the elections, but after leaving the government. We shall see in the next period. But I, as Prime Minister, I said that I want to take my mandate to the end and then my contribution to this debate and what will happen after the election will be this platform of principles, values, themes, with projects that we shall launch for debate.

Beyond the projects … or before the projects, I think it is important to address their approach, the behaviour as a public figure, a statesman. Here is where I believe that honesty and integrity are essential.

Morality, honesty and integrity are, in my view, essential. Professionalism, too. To approach things professionally, „said Dacian Ciolos.

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