
16 iulie, 2024


Romanian businesses control only 6.8% of the 78,181 groups of companies in Romania. There have been 78,181 groups of enterprises identified, out of which 5,311 are resident groups and 72,870 multinational groups, according to the data of the...
7 mai, 2018
In the absence of strategies to increase technological levels and raise wages, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) will remain in the average income trap without any prospect of closing the gap with the West, warns Martin Myant, senior...
12 februarie, 2018
Romanian Local Investors Employers (PIAROM) urges the Government to adopt a set of measures to avoid the millstones around the domestic capital’s feet. The request expressed by investors mainly refers to the requirement for the small affiliated companies...
21 mai, 2017
The National Institute of Statistics (INS) identified in Romania 73,663 groups of enterprises, of which 5,469 groups of resident enterprises and 68,194 groups of multinational enterprises groups (152 locally controlled and 68,042 controlled from abroad) according to the...
1 mai, 2017
A total of 23 liberal MPs have initiated a draft law for transposing the Council Directive 2016/1164 laying down rules against tax avoidance practices. The project basically provides for the taxation in Romania of the profits made by...
28 octombrie, 2016
Almost one billion euros have been taken out from Romania in the past five years, the amount which could have been used to implement many projects, said on Friday Ionut Misa, general director of the Directorate general for...
25 octombrie, 2016

Multinationals in Romania: some statistics

The National Institute of Statistics (INS) identified in Romania 73,663 groups of enterprises, of which 5,469 groups of resident enterprises and 68,194 groups of multinational

Multinationals in Romania: some statistics

The National Institute of Statistics (INS) identified in Romania 73,663 groups of enterprises, of which 5,469 groups of resident enterprises and 68,194 groups of multinational


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