
16 iulie, 2024


The European Commission is doubling its efforts to show that Europe has learned the lessons of the past and will avoid now, after the „Great Isolation”, the mistakes made during the „Great Recession”. According to Euractiv, proposals to...
7 iunie, 2020
The Tourism Investment Masterplan, approved on Friday by Mihai Tudose cabinet, contains 29 projects of local importance and three of national interest and all of them will be made with money from the state budget and from local...
14 august, 2017
Last week, the European Commission approved EUR 2.7 billion for financing 152 projects in the transportation field, considered to be „key projects that support clean, competitive, connected mobility in Europe.” 0,4% of this money (EUR 10,6 million) comes...
2 iulie, 2017
Companies with Romanian capital surprise by spectacular actions that previously were rather typical to the foreign capital: Bitdefender took over a partner company from the French market and the Dedeman founders kick-start their activity in the top real...
23 ianuarie, 2017
Agricultural and non-agricultural land owners, either public and private, can receive up to 7 million euros for creating windbreaks and plantations to combat soil erosion and stabilize the quicksand. The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) launched...
6 decembrie, 2016
Public-private partnership projects (PPP) amounting tens of billions of euros could find sources of financing and implementation after the PPP Law was promulgated Wednesday by President Klaus Iohannis. Project from the fields of transport infrastructure (especially highways), energy,...
27 noiembrie, 2016


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