
16 iulie, 2024


The Romanian army is preparing to recruit – measures triggered by the statements made by the Chief of Staff, general Gheorghiță Vlad, who said that Romania must prepare and take Russia’s aggression seriously. In this article we provide...
19 februarie, 2024
Președinte Emmanuel Macron și Donald Trump, liderul de la Casa Albă au discutat sâmbătă, la Palatul Elysee, despre contribuția statelor UE la NATO. Dialogul a avut loc pe fondul mesajelor transmise de cei doi anterior întâlnirii. Președintele francez a susținut...
10 noiembrie, 2018
CCR President Valer Dorneanu is in Russia today, where he attends the Sankt Petersburg International Legal Forum, despite that MAE has recommended not to make the visit. The presence of CCR head in Russia is not announced on...
23 mai, 2018
Producers of bullets, assault weapons, and rockets from former communist countries in Eastern Europe saw a significant increase in orders following the conflicts in the Middle East. They sold weapons either directly to states in the region or...
17 septembrie, 2017
„We obviously have to think, and we do that together with our partners and allies, to some elements for strengthening the antiaircraft protection of the Deveselu unit, because there are obviously signs that give us food for thought...
2 decembrie, 2016
Russian companies have reached in November 2016 at a share of 25% of the Romanian gas market, up from only 5% in January. The mechanism that allowed that is complicated and it is hard to know today whether...
27 noiembrie, 2016
The National Defense Minister, Mihnea Motoc, made an official visit on 10 to 11 October in Kiev at the invitation of the Minister of Defense of Ukraine, General Stepan Poltorak. The two officials discussed, according to the National...
13 octombrie, 2016


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