
16 iulie, 2024

6 decembrie, 2016

perdele-forestiere-combatere-eroziuneAgricultural and non-agricultural land owners, either public and private, can receive up to 7 million euros for creating windbreaks and plantations to combat soil erosion and stabilize the quicksand.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR) launched the scheme in late November and the session stays open until January 20, 2017.

Funding for the first session of the state aid scheme „Support for the first afforestation and creating woodland„, corresponding to Measure 8 „Investment in the development of woodlands and improved viability of forests”, sub-measure 8.1 „Afforestation and creation of woodland” within the PNDR 2014 – 2020 amounts EUR 50 million.

  • The scheme aims at creating forest plantations – making woodland on agricultural and non-agricultural land and protection windbreaks on agricultural and non-agricultural land
  • The maximum public grant for a project, awarded under the state aid scheme, which includes all the standard costs associated with the Premium 1, respectively Premium 1 and 2, where applicable, paid during the implementation of the financing contract, is EUR 7 million.
  • Financial support is awarded to public and private owners of agricultural and non-agricultural land as well as their associations for creating forest and tree windbreaks. The state aid scheme contributes to the intervention measure 5E – Promoting conservation and carbon sequestration in agriculture and forestry.

According to the Applicant’s Guide for the State Aid Scheme „Support for the first afforestation and creating woodland”, the second principle to be taken into account in calculating the score for each proposed project will prioritize land for afforestation located in poorly forested areas.



Principle for locating the land

The principle for locating the land (prioritize the land for afforestation located in poorly forested areas)

  • Land in Calarasi county
  • Land in Teleorman, Constanta, Ialomita and Braila counties
  • Land in Galati county
  • Land in Giurgiu, Olt, Dolj, Botosani counties
  • Land in Tulcea and Timis counties
  • Land in Vaslui county
  • Land in Ilfov county


According to the explanations from the guide, the areas with forest deficit are the counties where the forests represent less than 16% of the total surface.

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