
16 iulie, 2024


The plenum of the Chamber of Deputies decided on Wednesday to resend the Offshore Law to committees after a seemingly surprising request of UDMR leader Kelemen Hunor (photo). The draft had passed on Tuesday the Industry, Budget and...
8 octombrie, 2018
The National Bank of Romania (BNR) is working on a permanent basis with the Government and the Ministry of Finance, but has no “power over fiscal policy,” said Mugur Isarescu, Governor of the National Bank of Romania on...
2 aprilie, 2018
The law package on the judiciary will be assessed by the Council of Europe, the institution announced on Monday. The reason, explained by the Council itself – is the concern that „the changes could affect the fight against...
18 decembrie, 2017
The ruling coalition registered with the Chamber of Deputies on Tuesday the draft amendments to the three important laws for the judicial system: Law 303/2004 on the status of magistrates Law 304/2004 on judicial organization Law 317/2004 on...
6 noiembrie, 2017
The PSD-ALDE ruling coalition decided on Wednesday that essential laws for society would be issued by the Parliament by the end of this session. On Liviu Dragnea’s list there are: The Law on the establishment of the Sovereign...
22 octombrie, 2017
The management team of the Romanian Commodities Exchange (BRM) launched on Wednesday a public call to PSD to reject what they called an „attempt to nationalize natural gas trading”, namely a proposal that would have been presumably initiated...
22 mai, 2017
Defence Minister Gabriel Les (photo) announced on Wednesday that the Romanian Parliament sent the Ministry of National Defence the prior approval for launching the eight essential military endowment programs. „The programs in question are already known to you:...
15 mai, 2017
Present for the first time in Bucharest in his official role as President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker sent a very clear message to Romania on Thursday: Europe has no time to still wait and it will...
14 mai, 2017
The Parliament voted on Tuesday, with an overwhelming majority, the redefinition of the family in the Constitution. The amendments do not concern though only the explicit mention of the male-female couple which should be the basis of marriage....
14 mai, 2017
President Klaus Iohannis assured on Tuesday that he does not intend to change in any way the result of the parliamentary elections, asking instead for PSD to govern responsibly. PSD has also the responsibility, says the head of...
12 februarie, 2017
  Romania’s Constitutional Court ruled Wednesday, 8 February, following the examination of the request received from President Klaus Iohannis, that there is no constitutional conflict between the state institutions on the OUG13 – in this case, between Parliament...
9 februarie, 2017
President Klaus Iohannis announced Tuesday that he signed the two decrees regarding Florian Coldea: the removal from post and placing him in reserve. In his press statement at the Cotroceni Palace, Klaus Iohannis reminded that during these days,...
19 ianuarie, 2017
One week before the parliamentary elections of 2016, when voters are called back to the polls, the Institute for Public Policy (IPP) shows by figures and summaries why it is important for us to elect future incorruptible deputies...
6 decembrie, 2016
The Government will not send anymore the Parliament a new draft law for the unitary salary in the public system – it will be soon completed, but not be launched for public debate, as the officials previously announced....
30 noiembrie, 2016
The salary increases recently adopted by the Parliament will cause the increase of Romania’s budget deficit to about 3.5% of GDP in 2017, well above the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) recommendation of 2% of GDP, which could result...
10 noiembrie, 2016
Prime Minister Dacian Ciolos declared on Tuesday his dissatisfaction that the Parliament votes on various social benefits without a minimal calculation of the budget impact. The Prime Minister announced that the last parliamentary decisions costs 9 billion lei...
1 noiembrie, 2016
The Department of Intelligence and Internal Protection (DIPI) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is in the process of reorganization and the structure is likely to be placed under parliamentary control. A first draft of the reform is...
22 septembrie, 2016


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