
16 iulie, 2024

Ministry of Finance

Post-pandemic years are characterized by economies’ efforts to recover after the fall in 2020 and 2021, as well as by governments’ determination to make up for lost time and the funds swallowed by the health crisis. The evolution...
29 ianuarie, 2024
Minister Teodorovici „fixes” a delay in Liviu Dragnea’s government program The Ministry of Finance launched a draft emergency ordinance on Saturday establishing the „general framework related to the conditions that a company should meet to be considered a...
8 octombrie, 2018
The total volume of loans planned by the Ministry of Finance (MFP) for 2018 amounts to about RON 74 billion. Loans are to be secured by government bonds, not by „contracting any loan from international financial institutions or...
29 ianuarie, 2018
The intentional non-payment of taxes and contributions due to the budget, subject to the withholding regime, will be considered a tax evasion, according to a draft emergency ordinance that is under the public debate on the website of...
11 decembrie, 2017
Regarding the EUROSTAT release on Romania’s budget deficit in the second quarter of 2017, the Ministry of Public Finance (MFP) has issued a press release explaining the European figures and assuring that the annual deficit is in line...
30 octombrie, 2017
The Ministry of Finance (MFP) placed euro bonds worth EUR 1 billion on the foreign market by reopening the issue with the maturity of 10 years launched in April this year. The issue has been placed with a...
16 octombrie, 2017
The Ministry of Finance has published the draft „Split VAT” Ordinance. Compared to the data presented at the meetings with the business community or the informal meetings with the media, some changes have occurred. Important changes. For businesses,...
28 august, 2017
The National Centre of Financial Information „will be established by 1 September 2017 within the central office of the Ministry of Public Finance, by merging all the structures in the ministry and the subordinated institutions with responsibilities in...
17 iulie, 2017
Carefully supervised by Liviu Dragnea, Darius Valcov, the PSD’s expert in writing and observing the government roadmap, has fulfilled his mission again and delivered in time a new government program. The Tudose government program is a revised and amended...
3 iulie, 2017
* The concept of family tax within the EU 18 countries do not have the family unit concept In four countries, the concept is optional: Ireland, Germany, Poland, Spain The concept exists only in six countries: Denmark, France,...
29 mai, 2017
The Ministry of Finance announced that, according to the current working data, the implementation of the general consolidated budget in the first two months of 2017 ended with a surplus of 397.1 million lei, or 0.05% of GDP,...
2 aprilie, 2017
Minister Viorel Stefan (foto) urged to keep the deficit under control. In the midst of the discussion about the increased salaries, government officials turn off the tap on funding. The Ministry of Finance officially announced Tuesday that it blocked...
9 martie, 2017
The Ministry of Finance announced Wednesday that it has started an information and verification campaign on a sample of 447 firms that sell food, beverages, and tobacco, concerning the misleading and comparative advertising. In case of any violations...
5 martie, 2017
The Ministry of Public Finance published Monday the report on the implementation of the consolidated general budget for January 2017. According to the official announcement, the implementation ended with a surplus of 3.0 billion lei, namely 0.37% of...
5 martie, 2017
Foto: Valdis Dombrovskis (left) and Pierre Moscovici The Vice-President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis and the Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici sent the Minister of Finance, Viorel Stefan, a letter stating that by the...
5 martie, 2017
The management of the inter-ministerial committee in charge of drafting the legislation on royalties has been taken over by the Ministry of Economy from the Ministry of Finance (MFP) said on Wednesday Ionut Misa, Ministry of Finance State...
19 februarie, 2017
The Ministry of Finance borrowed in October nearly 3.68 billion lei from the banks operating in Romania, less than the amount initially planned. The institution planned, according to Agerpres, to borrow 3.905 billion lei in October 2016 from...
31 octombrie, 2016


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