
16 iulie, 2024


The balance of Romania’s direct investments abroad amounted to EUR 324 million in 2019, according to data published on Wednesday by the National Bank of Romania (BNR). Out of this amount, EUR 110 million represent equity contribution, EUR...
5 octombrie, 2020
Premierul Viorica Dăncilă a anunțat miercuri că numărul proiectelor care urmează să fie finanţate prin Fondul de Dezvoltare şi Investiţii a crescut la 500, valoarea acestora ”depăşind 6 miliarde lei”.  „Comisia Naţională de Strategie şi Prognoză va continua...
2 octombrie, 2019
In the absence of strategies to increase technological levels and raise wages, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) will remain in the average income trap without any prospect of closing the gap with the West, warns Martin Myant, senior...
12 februarie, 2018
The foreign direct investment (FDI) balance in the Romanian economy reached EUR 70,113 million last year, equivalent to slightly more than 41% of the annual GDP. Centralized data, published by the National Bank of Romania show that 70%...
9 octombrie, 2017
The share of direct investment (FDI) made by French companies in the Romanian industry fell from 56% of total French FDI in 2007 to 46% in 2014 and stabilized compared to the year of the global financial crisis,...
28 august, 2017
Romania ranks 12th in the European Top foreign investment by the number of projects started in 2016 and fourth by the number of jobs created by these investments, according to the EY European attractiveness survey 2017. Foreign Direct...
4 iunie, 2017
During the time since joining the European Union, dividends distributed to foreign investors exceeded EUR 20 billion and interest paid on loans to their local enterprises from Romania have also brought them about EUR 6.5 billion. In almost...
3 ianuarie, 2017
Foreign direct investment (FDI) in Romania reached EUR 64,433 million last year, equivalent to 40% of annual GDP. Centralized BNR data shows that 70% of this amount (EUR45,098 million) was contribution to the equity (including reinvested earnings) of...
20 decembrie, 2016
  While the government programs of parties competing for the Parliament focus on tax cuts, after 2 years of tax cuts, policies for internal convergence are lacking. The state’s intervention to stimulate development, replaced with the politics for...
30 noiembrie, 2016


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