
16 iulie, 2024

balance of payments

The current account of the balance of payments recorded a deficit of EUR 6.464 billion last year, 85% higher than in 2016. The minus registered in the goods segment has widened by almost 30% and has reached over...
18 februarie, 2018
The average euro/leu exchange rate registered in 2017 the highest increase in the last five years, and the rate at the end of the year had the most consistent advance in the last eight years, according to official...
15 ianuarie, 2018
The balance of payments current account recorded a deficit of more than four billion euros in the first eight months of the year, which means a 52% increase over the same period in 2016. The minus registered on...
22 octombrie, 2017
Amounts sent to the country have significantly declined over the past three years, so indicators showing the importance of this money relative to FDI have significantly deteriorated in 2017. For the first time, the available data show a...
7 august, 2017
The average for the first five months of 2017 of the long-term government loans was 3.85%, while for the last five months of 2016 it was 3.22%, significantly lower. The matter is NOT just about bigger or smaller...
25 iunie, 2017
We start from the certainties in 2016 – when Romania will most likely have the highest economic growth among the EU states: INS announced an economic growth of 5% for the first half of the year. In absolute...
7 noiembrie, 2016


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