
16 iulie, 2024

3 ianuarie, 2017

facturi-300x148The Government decided to cut down from 12.15% to 8.3% of the gross final consumption of electricity the mandatory quota of electricity from renewable energy benefiting from the green certificates promotion system, according to a Government Decision approved on Thursday.

The quota for the next year has been decided by the Government based on the information from the Regulatory Authority for Energy, so that it does not have a negative impact on the bill for final consumers, according to a press release of the Government.

Maintaining the 12.15% quota also for the next year would have led to an increase in the impact of green certificates on the bill for final consumers by 17 lei / MWh, or about 5%, according to the calculations of the Regulatory Authority for Energy (ANRE).

Wind energy production was 5,114 GWh between January-October 2016, by 797.9 GWh lower compared to the same period of the last year, and the solar photovoltaic installations produced a total of 1,697 GWh, 119.7 GWh less compared to the same period of 2015.

In 2015, wind energy counted for 11% of the total electricity mix of 6,200 GWh, to which is added the solar energy representing 3% and the biomass energy with 1%.

The piece of legislation has been analysed by the Competition Council and the Regulatory Authority for Energy and obtained favourable feedback.

The Government Decision adopted on Thursday will only have effects until the new government approves the draft Emergency Ordinance amending and supplementing the Law no. 220/2008 on the system of promoting energy production from renewable energy, on which it has been obtained the European Commission decision for approving the proposed changes to the support plan, transmitted to the Romanian authorities on 19 December.

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