
16 iulie, 2024


Romania imported an amount of electricity of almost 796 GWh in the first month of this year, by more than 36% above what it exported and 48.6% more than in the same month of last year, according to...
16 martie, 2020
The progress in the development of Romanian infrastructure networks of utilities and roads is too slow compared to the needs and our neighbours’ progress, as shown only by the maps of these networks and cross-border interconnections. Major projects...
2 martie, 2020
Romania imported 38% more electricity in the first five months of this year, compared to the same period of 2018, according to the most recent monitoring report published by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE). The phenomenon also...
19 august, 2019
Romania ranked fourth in the second half of last year in the EU in terms of price increase in natural gas provided to the population, according to data released by Eurostat. With an increase of 16.3%, we ranked...
27 mai, 2019
The largest share of taxes in the natural gas price structure for households has been recorded in Denmark (55% of the price), the Netherlands (53%), Romania (47%) and Sweden (44%) in the first half of this year, according...
4 decembrie, 2017
Following the acknowledgment of the increased supply costs reported by distribution companies to the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, as of October 1, 2017, the natural gas price for household consumers would be about 6% higher and the price...
2 octombrie, 2017
The price of electricity has come last week close to an inexplicable maximum, as the authorities are not just spectators, but they seem to be part of the price increase mechanism. The price at which the electricity has...
14 august, 2017
Romania ranks second in the ranking of families from the European Union who spend more than 40% of their income on home utilities (electricity, gas, heating, water and sanitation). Almost 16% of the families from Romania exceed the...
12 martie, 2017
The Government decided to cut down from 12.15% to 8.3% of the gross final consumption of electricity the mandatory quota of electricity from renewable energy benefiting from the green certificates promotion system, according to a Government Decision approved...
3 ianuarie, 2017


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