
16 iulie, 2024

22 aprilie, 2019

On Friday, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila had a meeting with Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, during which she stated her interest in involving Chinese companies in public-private partnership projects and opening a traditional Chinese medicine centre in Romania.

The meeting took place at the Summit of Heads of Government in the cooperation format 16+1/ Central and Eastern Europe – China, taking place in Dubrovnik, Croatia.

On this occasion, there have been discussed themes of interest from the bilateral agenda, in the context of the anniversary in 2019 of the 70th anniversary since the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Romania and the People’s Republic of China and the 15th anniversary after the since the establishment of the Ample Friendship and Cooperation Partnership.

„Prime Minister Viorica Dancila has provided information on recent amendments to the legislation on public-private partnership and stated the interest in involving Chinese companies in PPP projects. At the same time, Prime Minister Viorica Dancila expressed the interest in opening a traditional Chinese medicine centre in Romania. Recent developments in the EU-China relations have also been discussed. Prime Minister Viorica Dancila stressed that Romania will continue to actively contribute to the consolidation of the EU-China Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and the implementation of the EU Strategy on the Europe-Asia Connectivity, adopted in October 2018″, the Government’s press release says.

The source mentioned also states that Li Keqiang has expressed his appreciation for the way Romania exercises its first mandate at the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union and expressed his congratulations for the results achieved so far.

„Talks between the two officials focused on the exports of Romanian agricultural products to People’s Republic of China, the cooperation in the energy field and Belt and Road initiative. The meeting brought about an exchange of views on the perspectives of the 16 + 1 cooperation format and on this occasion, Romanian Prime Minister proposed for the Republic of Moldova to become a member of this initiative. Viorica Dancila addressed the Chinese counterpart the invitation to have an official visit to Romania. At the same time, the Romanian senior official has been invited to visit the People’s Republic of China,” the press release mentions.

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