
16 iulie, 2024

15 iulie, 2019

French Prosecutor Jean-Francois Bohnert will be appointed as head of the European Financial Prosecutor’s Office, a position for which he was heard on Thursday, 11 July.

Jean-Francois Bohnert is practically withdrawn from the race to become the Chief Prosecutor of the European Prosecutor’s Office, according to RFI.

Emmanuel Macron favoured Bohnert for the position of head of the National Financial Prosecutor’s Office, which theoretically cleared the way for Laura Codruta Kovesi.

Bohnert and Kovesi were the two candidates for the European Prosecutor’s Office and each of them had the support of a European institution (European Parliament and EU Council).

Negotiations carried out in spring could not produce an agreement and the two institutions agreed to meet again in the autumn of this year.

Now, theoretically, the problem has simplified for Laura Codruta Kovesi (favoured by the Parliament) as she remains alone in the race.

But the Council’s internal procedures are somewhat more complicated than those of the European Parliament. The legal service of the institution may be the one to force member states to introduce another candidate in the race.

That candidate will have to be heard by a team of specialists before member states get to the political vote.

In the spring, this political vote favoured French prosecutor Jean-Francois Bohnert. France is expected in the coming days to express public support for Kovesi.

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