
16 iulie, 2024

11 martie, 2019

Facebook announced Thursday that it has closed hundreds of false accounts promoting false content in the UK and in Romania and this is the first time when the company takes this type of measure in both states, writes Politico.

In Romania, Facebook eliminated 30 pages and accounts created by local groups that presented themselves as independent news websites, which promoted partisan political information, as they had connections with the Social Democrat Party.

Those accounts, as also writes, have distributed „content that incites to disunity” and promoted the content of several online domains that presented themselves as news sites.

Although people behind these activities have tried to hide their identity, Facebook has found that a person associated with PSD is behind them.

Facebook’s action targeted four pages, 26 Facebook accounts and one group. About 1,550 people were following one or more of these pages.

Around USD 650 have been spent to promote posts from these pages, Facebook also said. The first advertisement was in December 2013 and the most recent in February 2019.

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