
15 iulie, 2024

24 septembrie, 2018

Employers in Romania say they intend to recruit personnel at a sustained rate in the last three months of the year, a sign that tensions in the labour market are getting worse. Expectations related to the employment volume in the last quarter are at the highest level since the end of 2008 until now, according to a study issued by ManpowerGroup.

The net employment forecast for the last quarter of 2018 is 19%, the highest level since the fourth quarter of 2008. This indicator represents the difference between the share of employers that intend to hire and the share of employers anticipating personnel cuts, to which the seasonal adjustment is applied.


  • Net employment forecast       Seasonally adjustment forecast
  • Romania joined the survey in Q2 2008          Zero value of the net employment forecast will not be graphically represented


A quarter of the approximately 630 Romanian employers questioned by ManpowerGroup say they are considering staff increases, while only 9% intend to apply staff cuts. Employment intentions are positive, to a lesser or greater extent, in all eight regions and ten industrial sectors under review.

Personnel crisis – areas and industries affected

The largest personnel crisis is recorded in southern Romania, where the net employment forecast is 28%, the strongest in the last ten years. Compared to the previous quarter, it registered an increase of 18 percentage points. The evolution in the South-West region is steeper, a region that recorded an increase of 25 percentage points in the net employment forecast in the last year.

With a net employment forecast of 13%, companies in Bucharest-Ilfov region seem to have the least problems in finding employees. The net employment forecast in the last three months of the year is two percentage points lower than in the previous quarter.

More than a quarter of organizations with over 50 employees say they are looking for people.

Also, 13% of medium companies, with teams ranging from 10 to 49 employees, say they are planning to recruit people. As far as smaller organizations are concerned, of up to ten employees, only 4% of managers surveyed said they intended to recruit people in the last quarter of the year.

Construction (36% of the surveyed managers plan to expand the organizational charts), manufacturing industry (29%), trade (21%), agriculture (21%) and the financial sector (21%) are among the industries with the highest employee deficits. Extractive industry, with only 4% of respondents saying they will make recruitments, energy (10%) and transport (13%) are at the opposite end.

Regarding the evolution of these deficits, ManpowerGroup data show that the largest increases in the net employment forecast were recorded in construction (+ 25 percentage points compared to the end of 2017), trade and transport.

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