
16 iulie, 2024


Employers in Romania say they intend to recruit personnel at a sustained rate in the last three months of the year, a sign that tensions in the labour market are getting worse. Expectations related to the employment volume...
24 septembrie, 2018
The National Agency for Employment (ANOFM) grants subsidies of RON 900/month to employers who employ graduates of educational institutions, with contracts of indefinite duration, within 12 months since graduation. „Financial support is given to employers for a period...
18 iunie, 2018
In more than half of Romania’s counties, the state has at least one representative among the top two employers at the county level. Usually, it is the county hospital or, in poor counties, the social assistance directorates. There...
12 noiembrie, 2017
If the PSD-ALDE alliance does not reconsider the measure of transferring all social contributions to the employees, Romania will be the first EU country where employers will no longer contribute to financing the social security system. In the...
9 octombrie, 2017


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