
16 iulie, 2024

4 septembrie, 2017

Preparations for the NATO Summit in 2018 and the reform of the allied command structures were the main topics for the last week’s meeting, on Friday, of the NATO Secretary General with ministers of foreign affairs from Poland, Romania and Turkey.

According to an information from the Polish Foreign Ministry, Jens Stoltenberg met with the three ministers of foreign affairs during the trilateral talks on security topics between Poland, Romania and Turkey.

„Our states are flagship states that serve as an example of good cooperation within NATO and meet their obligations in an exemplary manner. Our states are not just security consumers, but security providers,” Polish Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski said after the meeting of the three officials with Jens Stoltenberg.

NATO Secretary General visited Poland at the invitation of the Polish diplomacy. According to the official announcement, Jens Stoltenberg took the opportunity to review with the three officials the status in the implementation of the decisions adopted at the previous NATO summit.

In Warsaw, Jens Stoltenberg also discussed the role of NATO in the face of threats coming from Russia, viewed from the perspective of the aggression in Ukraine and the 2017 Zapad military exercise to take place in the second half of September.

Jens Stoltenberg also visited Orzysz, the locality where the NATO battalion dislocated in Poland is placed, which consists of US, British and Romanian armed forces.

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