
28 iulie, 2024

25 iunie, 2017

The National Agency for Fiscal Administration announces on Friday that „electronic garnishment” – the system for communicating the enforcement documents to credit institutions by electronic means of remote transmission – is functional as of 23.06.2017.

According to a press release, the tax authority announces that „this system ensures fast and efficient communication of enforcement documents and eliminates deficiencies related to the delay in lifting the bank account attachment in the event of discharging the tax obligations so that the activity of the taxpayers to as little affected as possible„.

The system for communicating the enforcement documents to credit institutions by electronic means of remote transmission is created based on the Minister of Public Finance Order 691/2017.

The electronic garnishment, says the tax authority, is aimed at „de-bureaucratizing and simplifying the administrative procedures, as well as modernizing and improving the activity of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration„.

This system ensures the communication of the enforcement documents issued by the central tax bodies to the credit institutions by electronic means of remote transmission, respectively the addresses for setting up the attachment on the available cash and the decisions to lift the forced execution measures on the cash resources.

The objectives of implementing this system, as announced by ANAF, are:

  • Shortening the duration of the communication of enforcement documents, including those issued following the termination of forced execution measures
  • Reducing the communication/operating costs for stakeholders – ANAF and credit institutions
  • Lifting the forced execution measures by real time garnishment

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