
16 iulie, 2024

12 martie, 2017

ANAF announced Thursday that will launch inspections starting in April that will include institutions from the financial and banking sector, with the aim of checking the legality and compliance of the tax declarations, the accuracy of determination of the tax base for VAT and especially the corporate tax for 2016.

According to a press release by the institution, the tax investigations are to be made „solely in relation to the results of a comprehensive risk analysis.”

In the event that, following the analysis, there will be inconsistencies found between the data reported by the taxpayers and those identified by the tax authority, the taxpayers falling into the high fiscal risk category will be subject to tax audits in the immediate future,” announces ANAF.

„In the spirit of transparency, ANAF informs the taxpayers about the actions that it conducts and reminds them about their obligation to declare all purchases and sales and deduct, for the purpose of both corporation tax and VAT, only those amounts related to the transactions to which they are entitled according to the law.

The aim is to allow taxpayers to take measures for submitting all declarations before the legal deadline, including those not submitted yet or the amending declarations, as appropriate, and, in case of any inspection, to have time to prepare the necessary tax and accounting documents.

Thus, starting in April, tax inspections will be initiated to check the legality and compliance of the tax declarations, the correctness and accuracy of the determination of the tax base for VAT and especially the corporate tax for 2016, for all categories of large, medium and small taxpayers from all fields of activity, including the financial and banking sector for which the submission deadline for Statement 101 on the corporate tax payable for 2016 is 27 March 2017”, mentions ANAF.

Earlier this week, Prime Minister Sorin Grindeanu decided, following a meeting with representatives of the Ministry of Finance and ANAF, several measures to improve tax collection and also the relationship between the tax authority and taxpayers.

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