
16 iulie, 2024

2 aprilie, 2018

Total compensation that the state will pay to detainees who have been imprisoned in improper conditions will be between EUR 370 million (in the case of a 5 euro a day compensation) and EUR 550 million (for 8 euro/day), according to the calculations made by the Federation of Unions from the Penitentiary Administration.

We remind that Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said the state would settle compensations for detainees housed in jail cells where each person’s space was less than 4 square meters, who were released between 2012 and October 2017 (when the compensatory appeal came into force, with the reduced number of days of punishment).

The maximum amount that a prisoner could get for five years would be between 9,125 euros and 14,600 euros.

„Costs planned by Minister Tudorel Toader for awarding bonuses to offenders could, instead, be used to build 1,500 schools with eight classrooms or 11 hospitals with 450 beds, as education and health have been declared national priorities,” stated a release of the Federation.

The union members also drafted a list of persons who would benefit from these compensations:

  • Beniamin Laichici (Jianu) – sentenced to life prison for five people killed in a single day and released after 22 years of detention (only the last five in improper conditions, according to Mr Toader) – compensation between EUR 9,125 and EUR 14,600.
  • Petru Hera Cristea – a recidivist convicted of rape and robbery, released after serving 1,070 days of imprisonment – compensation between EUR 5,350 and EUR 8,560.
  • Mircia Gutau – convicted for corruption and released after serving 851 days of imprisonment – compensation between EUR 4.255 and EUR 6.808.
  • Gheorghe Ştefan (alias Pinalti) – convicted for corruption and released after serving a 1,278-day prison sentence – compensation between EUR 6,390 and EUR10,224.
  • Mihai Stoica (alias Meme) – convicted for deception and released after serving 713 days of imprisonment – compensation between EUR 3,565 and EUR 5,704
  • Mircea Basescu – convicted of trade of influence and released after serving 860 days of detention – compensation between EUR 4,300 and EUR 6,880.
  • Nicolae Dumitru (alias Niro) – sentenced of trade of influence and released after serving 568 days in detention – compensation between EUR 2,800 and EUR 4,544.
  • Gregorian Bivolaru (alias Guru) – convicted for sexual intercourse with a minor and released after serving 764 days of imprisonment – compensation between EUR 3,820 and EUR 6,122.
  • Claudiu Sibisean – convicted of organized crime and released after having executed 1,893 days of imprisonment – compensation between EUR 9,125 and EUR 14,600.
  • Lucian Darie – convicted for paedophilia and child pornography and released after serving 1,218 days of imprisonment – compensation between EUR 6,090 and EUR 9,744.

The union members also remind that these compensations will be granted not to those who have suffered the most severe conditions, but to detainees imprisoned between 2012-2017 when it has been recorded the record low number of detainees.

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