
15 iulie, 2024

14 noiembrie, 2016

kovesi-300x275For the first time since its foundation, the DNA obtained convictions in 90% of the cases tried in court, a proportion well above the European average, said Thursday in Chisinau, Chief Prosecutor Laura Codruţa Kovesi.

„In the past five years, the percentage of acquittals to the DNA cases was somewhere between 10 and 12%. I estimate that this is a normal percentage. I do not believe that in a democratic state the percentage of convictions must be 100%,” added the DNA’s head, quoted by Agerpres.

In 2006, 360 people were prosecuted, but this number increased to 937 in 2010, and 1,258 in 2015.

The evolution of the final sentences:

  • In 2006 – 155 defendants received final sentences
  • in 2010 – 154
  • in 2015-973

Among those prosecuted in 2015 were a prime minister, five ministers, 67 deputies and five senators, 97 mayors and deputy mayors, 15 presidents and vice presidents of county councils and 32 directors of national companies, stated Kovesi.

The large number of convictions is also a result of the much lower duration of the trials and Laura Codruţa Kovesi recalled „the role that the High Court of Cassation and Justice had especially in finding quick solutions in the files.”

„Five years ago, there were cases in Romania that were tried in court for seven, eight or ten years. That was not because of the prosecutors or judges’ incompetence and unprofessionalism, but the loopholes in legislation that very often were taken advantage of by people who were prosecuted. Quite rightly. This was how a prosecuted person understood to prepare the defence and that was a legitimate way to defend themselves. We cannot criticize this”, said DNA’s Chief Prosecutor.

On the other hand, Kovesi warned that the DNA’s current challenges are the immunity regime, the conservation of the institutional stability and the preservation of the legal and the institutional investigation tools.

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