
16 iulie, 2024

state owned companies

The state demands increasingly higher dividends from reserves and previous results of Romgaz and Transgaz, even though their profits in the first nine months of 2018 have significantly declined compared to the same period last year. The two...
19 noiembrie, 2018
The Government adopted on Thursday the ordinance that provides for the general framework for the establishment of a Sovereign Fund. Later, after new talks with ALDE coalition partners, Social Democrats will also impose a government decision to establish...
19 noiembrie, 2018
Nuclearelectrica (SNN) and Romgaz (SNG) have calculated the additional dividends to be paid to the state after the Ministry of Finance (MFP) sent to the big state-owned companies the measures they need to take to redistribute their reserves...
12 noiembrie, 2018
The Government approved on Thursday a memorandum that includes a series of measures targeting publicly owned or controlled companies. Basically, the document forces the state-owned companies to participate in public tenders organized by institutions and authorities funded by...
19 martie, 2018
The season of dividends starts also in 2018 strongly stimulated by the government memorandum that forces state-owned companies to allocate „at least” 90% of their 2017 profits to dividends. On the other hand, energy companies have investment plans...
5 martie, 2018
The PSD-ALDE coalition’s amendments to the application of the corporate governance rules in the state-owned companies were approved by 157 votes in favour, 71 against and 4 abstentions on Wednesday, in the plenary of the Chamber of Deputies,...
27 decembrie, 2017
  The law that gives the green light to Government representatives to appoint directors of state-owned companies as they please, adopted on Wednesday by the Chamber of Deputies, comes after more than two years of a provisional regime in...
27 decembrie, 2017
The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) released on Wednesday a statement that expresses its dissatisfaction with the „authorities’ political agenda” containing decisions that „will lead to weakening the rule of law and the regulatory environment needed for a modern...
27 decembrie, 2017
A total of 10 state-owned companies or owned by the public administration account for over 36% of the total outstanding social contributions at September 30, 2017. The data appear in the list of debtors, legal entities with outstanding...
12 noiembrie, 2017
The national energy system operator, Transelectrica, a state-owned company operating the National Energy System (SEN), tells shareholders that the distribution of additional ROL 171 million required by the Government will force the company to contract mid and long-term...
25 septembrie, 2017
Total losses of the state companies from the Ministry of Energy’s portfolio stood for the past years to 4.2 billion lei, of which almost 2.8 billion were registered in one year, by only three companies, according to a...
17 octombrie, 2016


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