
26 iulie, 2024


Romanians working abroad sent EUR 2.695 billion to the country in the first eight months of 2018, equalling the European funds and subsidies received in the first seven months. The amount of EUR 2.695 billion was sent by...
5 noiembrie, 2018
According to the dialectic principle, Romanians’ migration went to the next level and opened an even worse stage for the labour market in the country: After the UK, another European country announces the registration of some spectacular flows...
22 octombrie, 2018
Migration is one of the most serious problems facing Romania at this time, along with the lack of infrastructure. However, the return of Romanians to the country could bring a wealth of civic knowledge to change mentalities, said...
11 iunie, 2018
Despite the Brexit, the UK has strengthened in 2016 its position as a preferred country for Romanians who go to work abroad, according to the latest INS data. Statistics also confirm an important phenomenon that has recently occurred:...
12 martie, 2018
The percentage of Romanians who consider the EU membership to be a good thing has dropped from 54% in March this year to just 48% in October, according to a survey conducted by Kantar Public for the European...
22 octombrie, 2017
The increase of the available income and the wealth effect induced by that have stimulated not only the consumption but also the saving among the population, as well as personal investments in the last two months. Following the...
24 iulie, 2017
New Eurostat data confirms that more and more people going abroad for work settle in the destination countries. 28,400 Romanians were granted citizenship in another EU member state in 2015 compared to 24,300 in 2014. It is spectacular...
7 mai, 2017
President Klaus Iohannis expressed his worries on Wednesday that 30% of the Romanian agricultural land is owned by foreigners, arguing that the law should be amended in this area. „It is also of utmost importance for Romania who...
4 noiembrie, 2016
Romania leads by far the European top of older people who are economically active, far from the Nordic and neighboring countries, according to Eurostat data. With 20.8% of the people between 65 and 84 years of age and...
6 octombrie, 2016


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