
16 iulie, 2024


  Brussels has decided to reform the way of spending one of the largest „slices” of the Community budget – cohesion policies (about one-third of the budget). The Commission published on Tuesday the long-term plans for this chapter...
3 iunie, 2018
Romania, probably the only country in the world where the reform of the tax authority is required only by business community and citizens Considering that there are strong reasons for cancelling the ANAF reform project, the World Bank...
12 martie, 2018
First Vice-President of the European Commission, Frans Timmermans (photo), announced Thursday in Bucharest that he has established a direct communication line with the Parliament and Government leadership to eliminate any communication problems. „When they have the impression that...
5 martie, 2018
Romanian taxpayers waiting for ANAF reform The World Bank found that ANAF’s modernization process stalled immediately after the first stage of the acquisition of the revenue management system, completed in October 2017. Under these circumstances, after a review...
18 februarie, 2018
Member states are trying to reach a consensus by October about the European Commission’s proposals to amend the European Directive on posted workers. Although it is a new subject dividing the European Union (Western Europe and the former...
25 septembrie, 2017
(Siegfried Mureșan is Vice Chair of the Committee on Budgets and Substitute Member in the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs) * The European Union (EU) budget is an investment budget and the predictability of revenue is essential....
17 septembrie, 2017
ANAF President Bogdan Stan (photo) launched on Tuesday, through Agerpres, a series of warnings on the uncertain situation of the modernization program of the Romanian tax authority carried out with the support of the World Bank. But he...
17 iulie, 2017
The Romanian Local Investors Employers – PIAROM calls on the authorities to quickly adopt concrete supportive measures for involving the private capital in the technical and vocational education in Romania. In a press release issued Thursday, PIAROM mentions...
27 martie, 2017
As expected, the publication, on 1 March 2017, of the „White Paper on the future of Europe” signed by the European Commission President, Jean – Claude Juncker, has sparked much debate. Unfortunately, most standpoints in the Romanian public...
6 martie, 2017
  The Minister of Research prepares the „reorganization of the advisory bodies” under the authority of the ministry, which risks to undo „any effort made last year towards rebuilding trust and strengthening the Romanian scientific community,” warn the...
11 februarie, 2017
„In two years we will have a new ANAF in terms of services provided to taxpayers,” said Dragos Doros (photo), ANAF’s President on Tuesday, who attended the annual Deloitte conference on topics related to taxation. Dragos Doros detailed...
19 octombrie, 2016


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