
16 iulie, 2024


In a full economic advance, governments in power in the last years have chosen to redirect the money for investments towards measures of increasing wages in the public sector and pensions, with an impact on Romania’s economic growth...
22 aprilie, 2019
The employment rate of Romanian population aged between 20 and 64 years was 68.8% last year, according to data released by Eurostat. This figure was significantly below the EU average of 72.2% and the lowest in the region...
12 noiembrie, 2018
Migration is one of the most serious problems facing Romania at this time, along with the lack of infrastructure. However, the return of Romanians to the country could bring a wealth of civic knowledge to change mentalities, said...
11 iunie, 2018
The degree of labour force professionalisation in Romania has declined so much that the Romanian economy is heading toward an acute crisis on the market, according to a KeysFin analysis. Statistics indicate that the number of vacancies almost...
7 mai, 2017
At the end of 2016, there were 4,763 million employees in Romania with permanent, full-time contracts, according to the data from the Ministry of Labour. If the expanding employment pace maintains, in 2017 we will reach the record...
1 mai, 2017
Only in three sectors from Romania, the wages reached the level allowed by the GDP in euro related to the market prices, according to a study by Eurostat for all member states based on the data become final...
27 ianuarie, 2017
The impact of the national minimum salary on the work productivity is negative – an increase of the minimum salary by 10% would have as result a decrease of the work productivity by 2.3%, according to a study...
8 decembrie, 2016


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