
16 iulie, 2024


Romania’s big re-launch plan for the next decade places transport infrastructure at the centre of investments, with an allocation of 60% of the total amount. In addition to the money from the European re-launch mechanism, there are also...
21 septembrie, 2020
The progress in the development of Romanian infrastructure networks of utilities and roads is too slow compared to the needs and our neighbours’ progress, as shown only by the maps of these networks and cross-border interconnections. Major projects...
2 martie, 2020
The Pro Infrastructura Association asks the Transportation Minister to dismiss the CNAIR management. In support of the request, the association published a review of the 2017 achievements of this company in charge of developing the Romanian infrastructure, which...
18 decembrie, 2017
The Ministry of Finance (MFP) has contracted a loan of one billion euros with the European Investment Bank (EIB) to cover the state budget contribution, for co-financing the priority projects in the transportation field, under the 2014-2020 Large...
24 iulie, 2017
Romania loses EUR 1 billion in the transportation field, money that could have been spent in the 2007-2013 financial period, says the European Commissioner for Regional Policy, Corina Cretu. With this amount, between 100 and 200 kilometres of...
15 mai, 2017
Despite the vehement reactions of the authorities from Bucharest against the multi-speed Europe, the reality on the ground (literally, on the ground) shows that we remained a country completely disconnected from the European Union. The maps that we present...
27 martie, 2017
  While the government programs of parties competing for the Parliament focus on tax cuts, after 2 years of tax cuts, policies for internal convergence are lacking. The state’s intervention to stimulate development, replaced with the politics for...
30 noiembrie, 2016
Public-private partnership projects (PPP) amounting tens of billions of euros could find sources of financing and implementation after the PPP Law was promulgated Wednesday by President Klaus Iohannis. Project from the fields of transport infrastructure (especially highways), energy,...
27 noiembrie, 2016
The Government adopted on Wednesday an emergency ordinance which reorganizes C.N.A.D.N.R. and set up the National Investment Company S.A. Road (C.N.I.R.), a separate company to manage the road infrastructure. The initial motive of this reorganization was to create...
23 septembrie, 2016


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