
16 iulie, 2024

government program

On Thursday, the appointed Prime Minister, Ludovic Orban, presented to colleagues from the National Office the document that he will submit to the Parliament, which contains the measures he considers in case that his government will be sworn....
28 octombrie, 2019
Business representatives in Romania consider that the fiscal measures from the new government program do nothing but change the perception of the European community towards Romania, from a country with a good image, which is based on a...
3 iulie, 2017
Carefully supervised by Liviu Dragnea, Darius Valcov, the PSD’s expert in writing and observing the government roadmap, has fulfilled his mission again and delivered in time a new government program. The Tudose government program is a revised and amended...
3 iulie, 2017
The Coalition for Romania’s Development (CDR) considers that the fiscal-budgetary measures proposed by the new government program – which has a major impact on the Romanian economy – cannot be taken without a public consultation and an analysis...
2 iulie, 2017
Alexandru Petrescu, Minister of Economy The World Bank is interested in the announcement that Romania plans to establish a Sovereign Fund for Development and Investment and the bank representatives stated that they will support and collaborate with Romanian...
20 februarie, 2017
The PSD-ALDE coalition submitted a government program to Parliament. It emerges from the document the current government’s intention to control most of the economy against the background of social tranquillity created by tax cuts, pension and salary increases....
6 ianuarie, 2017


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