
16 iulie, 2024


Romania has improved its competitiveness compared to the Czech Republic and Bulgaria at the regional level in recent years but lost ground compared to Croatia, Poland and Hungary, according to data released by Eurostat. With an index calculated...
12 aprilie, 2021
The structure of Romania’s economy has a number of peculiarities compared to the European average in terms of the contribution brought by major sectors to the formation of gross value added (GVA). On the one hand, industry and...
15 martie, 2021
Romania recorded the highest road deaths in the EU also last year, with 96 deaths per one million inhabitants in 2018, almost double the EU average (49 deaths per one million Europeans), according to the annual report of...
24 iunie, 2019
Romanian leu has depreciated against the euro in the past year by less than two percent, as an annual average, a similar value to the US dollar and much lower than the pound (the latter affected by the...
29 ianuarie, 2018
Large and influential US and European companies from the defence industry are directly competing for signing major contracts on the Romanian market. Each of them brings forward its own arguments, including requests of honouring older promises. The context...
3 aprilie, 2017
  The ratio between the standard income obtained by a farm from the Netherlands and a farm from Romania is 92 to 1, according to the Eurostat data. They would have an average of 303,760 euros, while we...
31 decembrie, 2016


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