
27 iulie, 2024

eu statistics

Romania had in the second quarter of 2020 the fourth-lowest increase in public debt relative to GDP among the EU Member States compared to the previous quarter but was at the EU average if the reporting is compared...
26 octombrie, 2020
The yield of long-term Romanian government bonds was 4.28% in January 2020, according to Eurostat data. That is well above all the other states of the European Union and far from the European average of just 0.51% in...
24 februarie, 2020
Romania managed again to stand out at the EU level by recording the highest level of the public deficit in the third quarter of 2019, namely -4.9% of GDP. For reference, we mention that France (-2.5%), Hungary (-2.2%)...
26 ianuarie, 2020
Romania is the only country in the region where results in the first half of this year in foreign trade worsened, according to data published by Eurostat. With the lowest increase in exports and largest advance in imports,...
26 august, 2019
Romania is the EU country with the fewest cars in terms of the number of inhabitants, according to data recently published by Eurostat. We appear in the European statistics with only 261 cars/thousand inhabitants (data for 2015), after...
5 august, 2019
Romania recorded the largest public deficit among the EU states in 2018, according to data published by Eurostat, except for Cyprus (-4.8% of GDP last year, after +0.3% in 2016 and +1.8 % in 2017). The level of...
24 iunie, 2019
Romania’s economy climbed to 15th position within the European Union, according to data published by Eurostat on 2018 related to GDP expressed in euro (nominal values). After outpacing Greece in 2017, last year, we also surpassed another economy...
22 aprilie, 2019
According to data released by Eurostat, half of the EU member countries concentrate 70% of Romania’s deficit in foreign exchanges registered in 2018, which reflects a major competitiveness deficit. Somehow surprisingly, the top two positions in the ranking...
31 martie, 2019


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