
27 iulie, 2024


The number of people who left the country for more than 12 months continued to grow last year, reaching almost 220,000 people (which exceeds the population of Braila city, for example) compared to 207,578 in 2016, according to...
3 septembrie, 2018
Between three and five million Romanians work and live abroad. The 2017 UN estimate, rated as optimistic by the World Bank’s Report on Diagnosis of Systemic Issues Caused by Migration, indicates 3.58 million people, or 18.2% of the...
30 iulie, 2018
Romania has one of the highest percentages of young unemployed people who would not leave their hometown to find a job (either in the country or abroad), according to a Eurostat survey on the mobility of this social...
2 aprilie, 2018
Despite the Brexit, the UK has strengthened in 2016 its position as a preferred country for Romanians who go to work abroad, according to the latest INS data. Statistics also confirm an important phenomenon that has recently occurred:...
12 martie, 2018
The latest official data close to reality shows that on January 1, 2016, there were almost three million Romanians who were residents in another member state. The figure is provided by Eurostat and was calculated based on the...
5 martie, 2018
New Eurostat data confirms that more and more people going abroad for work settle in the destination countries. 28,400 Romanians were granted citizenship in another EU member state in 2015 compared to 24,300 in 2014. It is spectacular...
7 mai, 2017
Romania entered the world’s top 20 countries that are source of migrants, with over 3.4 million citizens living in another country, according to UN estimates of migration in 2015. At European level, Romania went up on the 4th...
30 septembrie, 2016


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