
14 iulie, 2024

16 martie, 2020

Romania imported an amount of electricity of almost 796 GWh in the first month of this year, by more than 36% above what it exported and 48.6% more than in the same month of last year, according to the data announced on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics (INS).

The net electricity import of almost 213 GWh in January 2020 is by over 68% higher than in the same month of last year and, if the same pace maintains, it would exceed the record of 2019, when Romania became a net importer of electricity for the first time after 2012.

The disturbance in the energy balance maintained despite the export increase by almost 2.5 times, while imports increased by only 48%, compared to January 2019.

It should be noted that the NIS methodology does not include the physical quantities of electricity that transit through the national territory.

The increase in the net import occurred in the context that the national production of 5,399 GWh, down by 2.5%, was lower than total consumption (including the technological one).

Wind turbines production had the biggest decrease (-19.5%), up to 648.2 GWh, as well as in the conventional coal-fired power plants (-4.7%), up to 2,252 GWh.


  • Electricity balance
  • – provisional data –
  • Millions kWh    Change – millions kWh-
  • Resources – total
  • – production
  • – classic coal-fired power plants
  • – hydroelectric plants
  • – nuclear power plants
  • – wind power stations
  • – solar- voltaic plants
  • – Import
  • Destinations –total
  • – final consumption
  • – in economy
  • – public lighting
  • – population
  • – own technologic consumption in grids and stations
  • – export


Total primary energy resources increased by 2.0%, to 3.115 million tonnes of oil equivalent (toe), of which the import accounted for 46%.

Domestic production totalled 1.677 million toe, down by 32.0 thousand toe compared to the same period of the previous year, and the import was 1,438 million.

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