
16 iulie, 2024


Business environment’s polarization seems to be one of the main problems of the Romanian economy. Iancu Guda, general manager of COFACE and chairman of the Association of Financial and Banking Analysts from Romania, has analysed this phenomenon at...
17 noiembrie, 2016
The (INS) confirmed the 5.0% growth in the first half of this year as compared to the same period of the previous year (seasonally adjusted value and communicated to Eurostat). Also, the result of the second quarter as...
10 octombrie, 2016
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimates that Romania’s economy will grow by 5% this year, more than the previously expected advance of 4.2%. In 2017, economic growth would slow down to 3.8% according to the IMF’s forecast contained...
5 octombrie, 2016
FDI net inflow in 2015 was 3,461 million euro (slightly more than 2% of last year’s GDP), according to a research made by the central bank in collaboration with the National Institute of Statistics (INS). Final FDI stock,...
5 octombrie, 2016


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