Czech Republic

Romania recorded the largest public deficit among the EU states in 2018, according to data published by Eurostat, except for Cyprus (-4.8% of GDP last year, after +0.3% in 2016 and +1.8 % in 2017). The level of...
24 iunie, 2019
Romania equalled the UK at the top of European countries in terms of negative balance on the current account to GDP in the third quarter of 2018, with 1.5% (in nominal terms, EUR -3.2 billion for us and...
21 ianuarie, 2019
Romania scored at the end of the first quarter of 2017 not only the highest economic growth among the EU countries (5.7% gross and 5.6% adjusted by Eurostat to ensure the comparability with other states) but also the...
29 mai, 2017
Romania ranks 15th among the trade partners of the Eurozone, far behind other countries that were part of the Eastern bloc, such as Poland (4th), the Czech Republic (6th) and Hungary (10th). The degree of integration into the...
27 noiembrie, 2016


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